• Treatment

    Your Ideal Day For Embryo Transfer

    Embryo culture is an embryo selection process. The progress of every embryo is meticulously evaluated before they are selected for transfer back to the mother’s womb for implantation and pregnancy, through Embryo Transfer procedure. Deciding the ideal day for embryo transfer can be incredibly stressful. The motive is to transfer the embryo when it reaches the ultimate development stage (Day 2 Embryo, Day 3 Embryo and Day 5/6 Blastocyst) to create a pregnancy. The ultimate stage means the group of embryos from a particular patient, have reached their highest potential to achieve a pregnancy, whether it is Day 2 Embryo, Day 3 Embryo or Day 5 Blastocyst. Blastocyst transfers mimic…

  • Fertility,  Treatment

    IVF Treatment: When Cost Matters

    Couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) have become more common nowadays than a few decades ago. The rise in IVF treatment is due to an increase in awareness and acceptance, primarily when the fertility problem lies on the male partner. Besides the medical causes of infertility in men and women, contributing factors for infertility include smoking, E-cigarettes, compulsive alcohol consumption, change in lifestyles, stress, environmental pollution with industrial wastage, plastic, chemicals, processed food, pesticides & herbicide etc. The fertility treatment cost in malaysia varies from fertility centre to centre, depending on the type of IVF treatment (mild or full ovarian stimulation), medication usage (type of medications, dosage and whether the…